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Vistelar Blog

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De-escalation training: Sheriff says recent lessons help to prevent unwanted incidents

De-escalation training: Sheriff says recent lessons help to prevent unwanted incidents- Featured Image


Back in April of 2017, the Williamson Herald did a story about Vistelar's verbal defense and influence training for law enforcement, health care, and corrections department employees from Williamson county and five neighboring states. Click the image below to read the article about this training experience!


Allen Oelschlaeger

Allen Oelschlaeger / About Author

Allen is a conflict expert with a focus on creating safe and respectful workplaces. He is a creator of the Confidence in Conflict book series and podcast, leader of the company’s e-learning initiative, and authority on how to best train the psychomotor skill of conflict management. His background includes Wharton School MBA, University of Wisconsin faculty member, and leadership roles in the healthcare industry.